Clean Energy For
Tazewell County
Hera Solar is a 20MW solar project located on less than 200 acres of private property near Cavitt's Creek Park in Tazewell County. Additional land will be used for vegetative buffers, setbacks, pollinator plantings, protected wetlands, and other protected natural resources.
Currently, Hera Solar is in the development stages. We are securing the necessary legal and environmental permits to safely and responsibly develop the project.
Economic Benefits
Building a brighter future for Virginia is the focal point of Hera Solar, which brings forth fresh tax revenues, employment prospects, and economic opportunities for the Tazewell community.
Ongoing Revenue: The project will generate estimated $4,500,000 in tax revenues alone over the next four decades.
Jobs: The project will create approximately 75 well-paying construction jobs over the course of construction.
Project Map

Exclusion area
Proposed panels
50 ft setback from property lines
Project design features:
Pollinator meadows
Beehive colony
Substantial setbacks from property lines and and public property
Retention of existing vegetation
Plantings of additional vegetation to provide visual screening
Wildlife corridors
Protection of other natural resources
Anticipated Project Timeline
Next Steps
Hera Solar must undergo Virginia's Permit by Rule process with the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), which involves submitting a site plan and various studies/reports to state agencies:
• Wetland and Stream Delineation, including Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination from the
Army Corps of Engineers
• Threatened and Endangered Species Habitat Assessment
• Phase I Archaeological and Historical Survey of the project
The project will collaborate with licensed engineers in Virginia to create erosion and sediment control, as well as stormwater plans. These plans will be submitted for a land disturbance permit with the County and/or DEQ, if the county decides to delegate the review to DEQ. Following this process, Hera Solar will submit building and electrical plans to the Tazewell County Building Official for review and approval, with the land use permit acquired before the building permit.
Environmental Impact
Hera Solar is a safe and environmentally-sound solar project that will preserve vital natural resources and protect the rural nature of Tazewell County.
Hera Solar will have a positive impact on the environment. There will be no pollution, no noise, and no traffic once the initial construction is complete. This project allows Tazewell County to preserve the land for future development, while at the same time producing clean, affordable energy. The project will also not place any strain on public infrastructure including schools, roads, water, and sewer systems.
Buffers & Setbacks
Buffers and setbacks designed to minimize the visual impact of the solar farm are an important component of the Lily Pond Solar project. Features include a 150-foot setback from property boundaries and a 250-foot setback along Halifax Road. Landscaping and screening will be provided along these roads and adjacent properties, where applicable. This will screen the project from view and maintain the existing character of the area.
Buffers & Setbacks
Buffers and setbacks designed to minimize the visual impact of the solar farm are an important component of the Hera Solar project. Features include a 50-foot setback from property lines as well as existing vegetative screening. A vegetative buffer will run along the project area in sensitive portions such as public roads, residential dwellings, and recreational areas. This will screen the project from view and maintain the existing character of the area.

The design of the Hera Solar Project includes landscaping and buffers which will screen the project from view and further help maintain the existing character of the area. Our development process includes an evaluation of the existing vegetation. In addition, pollinator mixes will be planted in parts of the project to increase biodiversity on site.
Habitat Protection
A significant portion of the project acreage is designed to protect existing wetlands. The project will be carefully developed to preserve these wetlands and other natural resources protecting this valuable habitat for decades. Unfenced wetland protection areas will also serve as additional wildlife passages.
In order to comply with state requirements, Hera Solar will obtain an environmental permit from the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). As part of the permit process, the impact on threatened and endangered species is evaluated and mitigation plans, if needed, are developed. Fencing that would affect wildlife will only be placed in areas where there are solar panels.
Is solar safe?
Unequivocally yes. Solar panels are designed and tested to withstand a range of environmental conditions. They are also designed to prevent any metals or resources from leaking into the ground or water.
Do solar pannels make noise?
Solar projects, when properly designed, do not produce noise that is audible outside of the
project perimeter. A combination of distance and physical obstacles such as vegetation prevent
any noise being heard outside of project parcels.
How will the project handle decommissioning and end-of-life disposal of the solar panels?
After the project's useful life, Hera Solar will be decommissioned by removing all above and below ground equipment, including solar panels, racking, foundation posts and beams, inverters, transformers, cables, equipment pads, cabinets, and ancillary equipment. They will restore the site to its preconstruction condition and quality, making it suitable for other types of development if desired. Over 90% of the panel components can be recycled, and First Solar operates a recycling facility in the United States. Hera Solar will also post a surety bond at the Commercial Operations Date to ensure timely and effective decommissioning, and Energix has successfully implemented decommissioning plans in multiple locations.
Where will the project be located?
It will be located on private property north of Tazewell along Lake Witten Road.
About Energix
Your Partner In Clean Energy
Energix is excited about becoming a partner with Tazewell County. Energix Renewables, owner and operator of Hera Solar, is one of the leading utility-scale solar developers and long-term project owners in the Commonwealth. By utilizing cutting-edge technology, strategic partnerships, and our financial strength, we strive to create a sustainable energy landscape that benefits both present and future generations.
We collaborate with local communities, governments, and stakeholders to ensure our projects align with their needs and aspirations while creating local jobs and contributing to economic growth. Energix Renewables is committed to operational excellence and maintaining the highest standards of safety, sustainability, and environmental stewardship.